A beautiful bag that is extremely well made with excellent compartments and only one real issue.
I refer to this bag as 'my beautiful bag'. To be fair, we're in the honeymoon stage. My wife just bought it for me for a birthday present, and it's wonderful. It erases the issues with the small sling bag I had been using.
I only really keep 4 quality paddles with me when I'm out and about, but I could fit easily 12 (8 in the main compartment, others in other places). Not that I would need to, and maybe it would be a bit heavy - but still, it's huge.
It's definitely a bag htat can double as a travel bag where you happen to keep pickleball goods.
It has space for valuable, easy to access compartments. and I feel like I've laid out out really well.
The one real issue is the lack of a meaningful hook. My previous, small bag had a nice fold-away hook. This bag has two (as advertised) tiny clip hooks. However, I don't trust that either is strong enough to hold the bag indivdually without undue sttrain, so I have tried to clip them both to the chain-link fence. Let me tell you, it's very awkward to do this especially with the bag being somewhat full. I'm obviusly tryin gto keep the bag off the ground and away from ants and things, but having to maneurver the spring-loaded clip while they are both attached to the fence took some effort.
So I've bought a carabiner to hook on the top handle and that I think will be significantly better.
This bag is really great, the materials, durability, thoughtfullness of the compartments, everything - excellent. The only real downside is the lack of a truly good hook.